I find that I am well enough to write again. A few days after returning from my Seattle/Phoenix trip I got an email that was terribly saddening. My good friend, Jim, who I just spent time with days earlier in Phoenix was plowed into by a semi truck near El Paso Texas and killed. Within two days of getting this absurd and senseless and stupefyingly sad news I came down with a flu that kept me down for about 5 days. The same thing seemed to have happened several months ago when my brother died. I got sick withing a short time. All this sickness is unusual for me and I am not used to being down and out.
Now, not playing any violins here but stating the facts...none of my friends live close enough or have means to go running around getting juice and soup, etc. for me...although I know had I ask any of them, they would have tried. (besides I did not want to expose anyone to a contageous germ fest coming from my 103-fevered body).
So, I've been dragging and puttering around the house scrounging what I could find and putting little meals together. If I did not feel so sad about losing my friend Jim and so bad from the flu bug, I'd say it has been almost fun. I've had to be creative with bottles of relishes and almost gone veggies and scrapings from raw honey jars. Actually I had just purchased some supplies before this thing got me so I was fine. A little more soup might have been really good. So, don't feel too sorry for me. I'm OK. I can't hear much and am still coughing like a hyena but despite it all...I am happy that 2007 is history. I still have positive feelings about 2008. Just seems like it's gonna be a time of new beginnings for all. Year of the rat, ya know.
Better that you feel sorry for the family of my dear friend Jim or for Jim, himself, who lost his life. When I spent time with him a little more than a week ago, he was happier than I've ever seen him since I've known him. He was going to get his social security soon. He had a great group of friends and raw food folks that he gathered with, he had just met, via emai, a new woman who there seemed to be some romantic possibilities with. In fact she was planning to take a trip with him to Mexico in March. Ah, damn it. There's just no knowing...
So don't forget... friends, loved ones, family or just generally great people who inhabit the realms of your life...tell them how much you love them or how much they mean to you...there may not be another time. It's all so uncertain.