Monday, December 10, 2007


Somehow I feel a great relief. Can't really explain why but I do. I just feel free and myself. For awhile that was hiding.

I have been negligent with my postings. I have meant to post more often but have just been daydreaming...or something...who knows.

I want to show you some of the wonderful dishes that we shared for Thanksgiving...OK, I know, I know...a little late.

I shared Thanksgiving day with my friend, Steve and my ex, Paul. It was a quiet and not-quite-as-stuffed event as years past. However, a lovely dinner, wonderful people and a walk after dinner into the deserted holiday streets of our fair city.

Now, that surprised me. I was expecting a fair amount of people walking off their Thanksgiving dinner on the streets of the now more heavily populated downtown. But, no. Not a soul walking about except for Steve and me. Well, a few homeless were milling around. But no young urbanites. That's who I expected but, nope. No one. Of course I haven't given up. I know St. Louis is just starting to spread it's wings downtown again. It'll get there.

So, after a long and brisk (read: cold) walk, we returned to Steve's lovely, new loft.

All in all a day of pleasant bread. That's the name of a Christmas story (I like to collect them)'s just that it happened at Thanksgiving instead of Christmas.
Sorry to be so late with this. I'll try to be more timely from here on out.

On the 18th I leave for a few weeks...Seattle to see son & daughter in law, Ben and Rebecca and then on to Phoenix for a week or so of just hanging out and relaxing.

See you.


At 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on now, you didn't talk about the food! Like the cheese added to the sweet potatoes, my tofu based pumpkin pies, that wonderful cake you made, the tofurky itself, the lovely gravy you made. And don't forget the cosmos --- come on, elaborate a bit!


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