Saturday, October 27, 2007

So-o-o-o Sick

One thing about feeling this crappy is that all one can do is lie down and try to rest...however, your head hurts, your nose is not working and there is fever. I am barely, barely able to read, so it's not been a total loss.

I finished Sue Monk Kidd's The Mermaid Chair and promptly cried my eyes out..which I am prone to do when I am sick. It was a love story...just leave it at that.

Then I started on Nancy Horan's Loving Frank, a semi or mostly fictional novel explaining the relationship between Frank Lloyd Wright and the woman who "broke up his marriage" (and her own for that matter) that is the true part and I'm yet to discover the rest. He truly did leave his wife and she her husband and they were, thus far it seems that they are the buzz of Oak Park...I am excited (about as excited as one in this state of decrepitude can be) to see what's next. I love FL Wright and his architecture. The way she describes him is reminiscent of something in my life from times past. What a charming, amazing, artist. It really isn't that she is describing him so glowingly, although she is. It's that she is describing the unbelievable magic that transforms them as they are together. And the writing is so luminous and clear that I have cried already several times and I am just on page 54.

I got up and stumbled around the kitchen gathering together all the root veggies I could find and threw together some soup. It helped, I think.

I have made a pallet on the floor in my living room cause I am never able to be in my bed when I am seems wrong. The bed is a place of comfort, sleep, pleasure so I always make some kind of pallet on the floor when I get sick. I guess I didn't realize how odd that seems until I wrote it down...oh well. It has allowed Oberon to sleep with me, which he does not do at night. He is happy. And I? I have read on this floor pallet in the caress of the bright, strong sunlight all day as it's beamed it's warmth into the door on the south side of the house. That has felt wonderful.

Now, I shall watch as the night gathers round this little cottage. I'll have to close the door and put the electric lights on which I don't like. And the night will go how it goes. In the morning I trust I will feel better...probably not well but better. Hopefully, well enough to go to work.

I am cooking some cranberries and will combine with some peaches and some honey and some spices and this will be what I look forward to for the evening...pretty pathetic huh?

Pardon me while I start boo hooing again.


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