Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Got a free pass for this movie and went this evening. The Eleventh Hour is a movie by Leonardo DeCaprio and is well done. It is a dire warning about how we are destroying ourselves through our lack of care and concern for our environment. Some powerful images and words from a large variety of people. Go see it, I say. It speaks very highly of frugality.

While waiting for the movie to begin, I was so very tempted to touch a bald man's head in front of me. His head was slightly pointed toward the back. He was quite old with huge ears and earlobes. His head had some scars, some dents and some interesting black spots. Sounds groovy, huh? Uh, no. But...I really wanted to hold his head in my hands to see what it felt like. I talked myself out of it, however, so you can rest assured that I have not yet lost my mind. What an interesting feeling, however. He had a very appealing head...shiny and bald as a billiard ball. Don't ask me.

When I arrived home, it was to a very hot house as I'd forgotten to open any windows. I needed everything open for awhile to cool it down to a reasonable level. So, I sit here writing in my own sweat but it gets cooler and cooler as I sit. By the time I bed down, I'll be just right.

Well, there was something else but what??? Oh, I know. I spent a good deal of time organizing my poems. I have almost all of the entered into my computer and it really feels good to have done that. I go to a poetry meet up group and have been having so much fun with that group. They are not only helpful in encouraging each of us to write but they are just a lot of fun, too.

Ah, of course, the moon. That's what else I wanted to mention. Such an incredible full moon was smiling at me as I left Plaza Frontenac after the movie. As they say, it was "Awesome" and in this case the word really does mean that.

Go outside and see it. It's lovely.

Last and certainly not least...Visit this Youtube movie for a really interesting take on the UFO question:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBtVOhAl2ks&mode=related&search =

Oh and a very goodnight to you.


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